People are always asking me if we still see Cuban Rafts. Well the answer is yes we see them every once in a while. They can be great dolphin fishing and wahoo fishing. Most times when we find them the Coast Guard has already cleared them and they are adrift. The amasing thing about rafts is they are made of all differewnt types of materials. I would never want to cross the Gulf Stream in one of these inventions. The slow travel across the stream makes them ideal habitat for dolphin and wahoo and triple tail. Some days when you find one your entire days catch can be made right there. You'll spend hours fishing around one.
1 comment:
If the Coast Guard is involved, they sink the raft as a risk to navigation. If you find an empty raft, chances are the rafters died, with a much lesser possibility that they were picked up by a passing vessel. Please say a prayer for these unfortunate souls that choose to die trying to escape than to live in captivity.
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